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VOSviewer JSON files

VOSviewer JSON files are JSON files for storing a network. These files can also store a configuration of VOSviewer Online to be used for visualizing the network.

JSON format

Top level

Attribute Type Description
network Object Network object representing a network.
config Object Config object specifying a configuration of VOSviewer Online to be used for visualizing the network.
info Object Info object providing information about the visualization of the network.

Network object

Attribute Type Description
items Array Array of Item objects, each representing an item in a network.
links Array Array of Link objects, each representing a link in a network.
clusters Array Array of Cluster objects, each representing a cluster of items in a network.
Item object
Attribute Type Description
id String or integer ID of an item.
label String Label of an item.
description String Description of an item. A description may include HTML formatting.
url String URL of an item.
x Float Horizontal coordinate of an item.
y Float Vertical coordinate of an item.
cluster Integer Cluster to which an item belongs. A cluster is represented by an integer between 1 and 1000.
weights Object map of key-value pairs Weights of an item. Each weight is represented by a key and a value. The key is a string. The value is a non-negative number. For example: "weights": { "Publications": 190, "Citations": 4213, "Norm. citations": 314.2 }.
scores Object map of key-value pairs Scores of an item. Each score is represented by a key and a value. The key is a string. The value is a number.
Attribute Type Description
source_id String or integer ID of a source item.
target_id String or integer ID of a target item.
strength Float Strength of the link between a source item and a target item. The strength is a non-negative number.
Cluster object
Attribute Type Description
cluster Integer Cluster. A cluster is represented by an integer between 1 and 1000.
label String Label of a cluster.

Config object

Attribute Type Description
color_schemes Object Color_schemes object specifying custom color schemes used by VOSviewer Online.
parameters Object Parameters object specifying parameters used by VOSviewer Online.
terminology Object Terminology object specifying terminology used by VOSviewer Online.
templates Object Templates object specifying templates used by VOSviewer Online.
styles Object Styles object specifying styles used by VOSviewer Online.
Color_schemes object
Attribute Type Description
cluster_colors Array Array of Cluster_color objects, each representing a cluster and the corresponding color.
score_colors Array Array of Score_colors objects, each representing a rescaled score and the corresponding color.
Cluster_color object
Attribute Type Description
cluster Integer Cluster. A cluster is represented by an integer between 1 and 1000.
color String Color of a cluster. A color is represented by a hexadecimal code (e.g., #ee3e80).
Score_color object
Attribute Type Description
rescaled_score Float Rescaled score. A rescaled score is a number between 0 and 1.
color String Color of a rescaled score. A color is represented by a hexadecimal code (e.g., #ee3e80).
Parameters object
Attribute Type Description
attraction Integer Value of the Attraction parameter on the Update tab in the control panel.
repulsion Integer Value of the Repulsion parameter on the Update tab in the control panel.
largest_component Boolean A network may consist of multiple components. When the layout of a network is created or updated, the network can be reduced to its largest component or the full network can be kept.
resolution Float Value of the Resolution parameter on the Update tab in the control panel.
min_cluster_size Integer Value of the Minimum cluster size parameter on the Update tab in the control panel.
merge_small_clusters Boolean Value of the Merge small clusters switch on the Update tab in the control panel.
scale Float Value of the Scale slider on the View tab in the control panel.
item_size Integer Value of the Size drop down list on the View tab in the control panel (1 for the first option, 2 for the second option, etc.).
item_color Integer Value of the Color drop down list on the View tab in the control panel (1 for the first option, 2 for the second option, etc.).
item_size_variation Float Value of the Size variation slider for items on the View tab in the control panel.
max_label_length Integer Value of the Maximum label length parameter on the View tab in the control panel.
link_size_variation Float Value of the Size variation slider for links on the View tab in the control panel.
min_link_strength Float Value of the Minimum strength parameter on the View tab in the control panel.
max_n_links Integer Value of the Maximum links parameter on the View tab in the control panel.
curved_links Boolean Value of the Curved links switch on the View tab in the control panel.
score_colors String Value of the Score colors drop down list on the View tab in the control panel ('Viridis', 'Plasma', 'Rainbow', 'White-blue-purple', 'White-yellow-green-blue', 'White-yellow-orange-red', 'Coolwarm', or 'Spectral').
min_score Float Value of the Min. score parameter in the legend.
max_score Float Value of the Max. score parameter in the legend.
zoom_level Float Initial zoom level of the visualization in the main panel. The zoom level has a value of at least 1.
show_info Boolean When opening a network, show or do not show information about the visualization of the network.
show_item String Item on which the visualization in the main panel will be zoomed in. The item is designated by its label.
simple_ui Boolean Simple or normal user interface. The use of the simple user interface is recommended when embedding a visualization in a webpage.
dark_ui Boolean Dark or light user interface.
Terminology object
Attribute Type Description
item String Term used to refer to an item (singular).
items String Term used to refer to an item (plural).
link String Term used to refer to a link (singular).
links String Term used to refer to a link (plural).
cluster String Term used to refer to a cluster (singular).
clusters String Term used to refer to a cluster (plural).
link_strength String Term used to refer to the strength of a link.
total_link_strength String Term used to refer to the total link strength of an item.
Templates object
Attribute Type Description
item_description String Template for the description of an item.
link_description String Template for the description of a link.
Styles object
Attribute Type Description
description_heading String CSS style for headings in the description of an item or a link.
description_label String CSS style for labels in the description of an item or a link.
description_text String CSS style for text in the description of an item or a link.
description_url String CSS style for URLs in the description of an item or a link.

Info object

Attribute Type Description
title String Title of the visualization of a network.
description String Description of the visualization of a network. A description may include HTML formatting.


This is an example of a VOSviewer JSON file:

    "network": {
        "items": [
                "id": 1,
                "label": "James",
                "x": 1.0551,
                "y": -0.2935,
                "cluster": 2,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 88,
                    "Citations": 4221,
                    "Norm. citations": 109.3879
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 1996.8409,
                    "Avg. citations": 47.9659,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 1.243
                "id": 2,
                "label": "Mary",
                "x": 0.7492,
                "y": 0.2841,
                "cluster": 2,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 91,
                    "Citations": 1994,
                    "Norm. citations": 55.0416
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2011.7363,
                    "Avg. citations": 21.9121,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 0.6049
                "id": 3,
                "label": "John",
                "x": -0.6243,
                "y": -0.7247,
                "cluster": 1,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 89,
                    "Citations": 3178,
                    "Norm. citations": 143.3831
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2017.1461,
                    "Avg. citations": 35.7079,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 1.611
                "id": 4,
                "label": "Linda",
                "x": -0.0722,
                "y": 0.0248,
                "cluster": 3,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 261,
                    "Citations": 7177,
                    "Norm. citations": 209.8957
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2010.2146,
                    "Avg. citations": 27.4981,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 0.8042
                "id": 5,
                "label": "David",
                "x": 0.1026,
                "y": 0.4626,
                "cluster": 3,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 124,
                    "Citations": 5843,
                    "Norm. citations": 199.8492
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2010.7581,
                    "Avg. citations": 47.121,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 1.6117
                "id": 6,
                "label": "Sarah",
                "x": -0.5883,
                "y": 0.3511,
                "cluster": 4,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 228,
                    "Citations": 12930,
                    "Norm. citations": 436.0204
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2013.1798,
                    "Avg. citations": 56.7105,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 1.9124
                "id": 7,
                "label": "Paul",
                "x": -0.3409,
                "y": 0.7997,
                "cluster": 4,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 168,
                    "Citations": 9850,
                    "Norm. citations": 294.1641
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2012.6071,
                    "Avg. citations": 58.631,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 1.751
                "id": 8,
                "label": "Karen",
                "x": -0.6236,
                "y": -0.1752,
                "cluster": 1,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 181,
                    "Citations": 3733,
                    "Norm. citations": 173.188
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2016.3149,
                    "Avg. citations": 20.6243,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 0.9568
                "id": 9,
                "label": "Daniel",
                "x": -0.1581,
                "y": -0.5063,
                "cluster": 1,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 395,
                    "Citations": 9382,
                    "Norm. citations": 344.7116
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2014.1013,
                    "Avg. citations": 23.7519,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 0.8727
                "id": 10,
                "label": "Emily",
                "x": 0.5004,
                "y": -0.2224,
                "cluster": 2,
                "weights": {
                    "Documents": 431,
                    "Citations": 13528,
                    "Norm. citations": 371.2338
                "scores": {
                    "Avg. pub. year": 2006.7889,
                    "Avg. citations": 31.3875,
                    "Avg. norm. citations": 0.8613
        "links": [
                "source_id": 1,
                "target_id": 2,
                "strength": 10
                "source_id": 1,
                "target_id": 10,
                "strength": 88
                "source_id": 2,
                "target_id": 5,
                "strength": 1
                "source_id": 2,
                "target_id": 7,
                "strength": 1
                "source_id": 2,
                "target_id": 10,
                "strength": 91
                "source_id": 3,
                "target_id": 6,
                "strength": 3
                "source_id": 3,
                "target_id": 8,
                "strength": 14
                "source_id": 3,
                "target_id": 9,
                "strength": 82
                "source_id": 3,
                "target_id": 10,
                "strength": 2
                "source_id": 4,
                "target_id": 5,
                "strength": 13
                "source_id": 4,
                "target_id": 6,
                "strength": 2
                "source_id": 4,
                "target_id": 8,
                "strength": 2
                "source_id": 4,
                "target_id": 9,
                "strength": 3
                "source_id": 4,
                "target_id": 10,
                "strength": 2
                "source_id": 5,
                "target_id": 6,
                "strength": 9
                "source_id": 5,
                "target_id": 7,
                "strength": 10
                "source_id": 5,
                "target_id": 9,
                "strength": 1
                "source_id": 5,
                "target_id": 10,
                "strength": 1
                "source_id": 6,
                "target_id": 7,
                "strength": 140
                "source_id": 6,
                "target_id": 8,
                "strength": 5
                "source_id": 6,
                "target_id": 9,
                "strength": 4
                "source_id": 7,
                "target_id": 8,
                "strength": 3
                "source_id": 7,
                "target_id": 10,
                "strength": 1
                "source_id": 8,
                "target_id": 9,
                "strength": 19

The above JSON file can be downloaded here.

Providing the JSON file as input to VOSviewer Online yields the following visualization:

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