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User interface

The user interface of VOSviewer Online, shown below, consists of the following elements:

  • Main panel. The main panel presents an interactive visualization of a network.

  • Control panel. The control panel can be used to make adjustments to the visualization of a network, to find an item in the visualization, and to update the layout and clustering of a network.

  • Action buttons. The action buttons can be used to perform actions such as opening and saving a network and making a screenshot of the visualization of a network.

  • Zoom buttons. The zoom buttons can be used to zoom in and out in the visualization of a network.

  • Legend. The legend shows how to interpret the size and color of an item in the visualization of a network.

  • Info box. The info box provides information about a network or about an item in the network.

User interface of VOSviewer Online. The numbers designate (1) the main panel, (2) the control panel, (3) the action buttons, (4) the zoom buttons, (5) the legend, and (6) the info box.
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